The Association of Frankfurt Tour Guides was founded in 1987. The members are all guides who regularly give tours in Frankfurt and the Rhine Main region either in a professional capacity or as a hobby. We represent our membership in various tourism organizations, both regional and outside of the Rhine Main region.
Our Goals are to improve the relationship between the city of Frankfurt am Main and the Rhine Main Region, with its' visitors and residents with professional, high quality tours. For this we utilize a network of tour companies and their individual tour offers. We use our experiences as guides for optimization of quality. For our membership, we offer extra qualifications to further these goals.
As a founding member in the Bundesverband der Gästeführer Deutschlands, we are able to share in a network of guides that covers all of Germany. The membership in this Association means our guides have access to special insurance that covers their work as a guide, for a low cost of 50 € per year.
The Association Board is made up of the following individuals:
- Camille Alcaraz
- Isabel Bergen (chair person)
- Adriane Dolce
- Carmen Erwin
- Mikael GB Horstmann
- Birgit Jaretz
- Michael Luh
- Verena Röse
- Joachim Schadendorf